Concerning the generated perovskite description

With the input data provided in the form, the application normalizes the input, read in additional data for the perovskite ions, and generate a standardized JSON file according to the specifications described in the paper:

Link to paper

Concerning ion abbreviations

For each abbreviation found in the drop down list, additional information, i.e. molecular formula, SMILE-string, common name, IUPAC name, CAS number, as well as the SMILE , IUPAC name, and the CAS number for a neutral parent compound is read in from associated excel files.

How to add data for ions not in the database

If your perovskite contains ions not used before, or not featured in the drop-down menus, the application cannot fetch the additional data for those ions, unless that data is manually added to the associated excel files. If you would like to describe a perovskite with new ions, we encourage you to add that data so that you, and everyone else, can benefit from that information.

The associated excel files are stored in a public GitHub repository found at:

Link to github repository

Repository for perovskite description files

If you would like to deposit your generated perovskite composition file in a public repository where it can be referred to and accessed programmatically, we recommend the following source:

Details to follow

Descriptions of input fields


A free text field for a categorical description to how the composition was estimated.

A string. Examples. “Estimated from precursor solutions”, “Literature value”, “Estimated from XRD data”, “Estimated from spectroscopic data”, “Theoretical simulation”, “Hypothetical compound”, etc.


A free text field for a categorical description of the type of sample the data describes.

A string. Examples: “Polycrystalline film”, “Single crystal”, “Quantum dots”, “Nano rods”, “Colloidal solution”, etc.


A free text field for a categorical description of the dimensionality of the perovskite.

A string. Examples: “0D”, “1D”, “2D”, “3D”, “2D/3D”.

“2D/3D” refers to a situation cases where a 2D phase is intermixed with a 3D phase but where an overall composition is given.


The band gap of the perovskite expressed in electron volt.

A floating point number. Example: 1.55


Free text fields for compounds added to the perovskite which is assumed to be in the perovskite film but not incorporated into the crystallographic structure.

Strings. Example. “RbI”, “KI”, “Cl-


Free text fields for known impurities

Strings. Example. [“Fe2+”]

Ion abbreviation

The standard abbreviation for the ions in the perovskite structure.

A string. Examples: “FA”, “Cs”, “PEA”, “Pb”, “Br”

As described in the paper, there is some arbitrariness in the abbreviations used. The abbreviations that are featured in the drop-down lists are all described in the paper.


The stoichiometric coefficient of the ion. The reason the coefficients are represented as strings and not as floating-point numbers is to allow for situations where the coefficients are not known.

A string. Example. “0.75”, “1-x”